Member-only story
Know this before you work with a group
There’s something weird about working in a group, and I’m not just saying that because I’m an introvert.
As a matter of fact, I don’t really remember the last time I worked with a group unless it was on some science project.
I don’t want to be the one with the stick up my ass so I tend to take the back seat. That doesn’t mean I don’t do any work.
It actually means I’m okay with having no control.
Basically, I’m not a leader.
However, once you put your heads together and really work cohesively, you’re supposed to be damn near unstoppable right?
My horrible experience with Group Me
I remember my old high school Group Me days like yesterday.
Group Me is popular group messaging app almost everyone uses when everyone has a different type of smartphone and group texting isn’t possible (not sponsored).
Anyways, I used this app in high school a lot when I was a section leader in marching band. There were almost thirty people in my section and let’s just say the cliche high school drama kicked in.
Then I thought it would be cool to start a girl group chat with all of the upperclassmen girls in the…